Akademie für Suffizienz
Artist Residency at the Akademie für Suffizienz in Reckentin, Germany between the 27th July and 15th of August. Eve leaves Paradise I...

Internationales Landschaftspleinair Schwedt
Artist Residency in Kunstverein Schwedt between 15th and 26th of July, 2019 The cyanotype, also known as iron blue printing, is an old...

The ability to split Masterclass, Antwerp
The Frans Masereel Centrum is one big workshop where exhibition visitors collide with international artists-in-residence and their work....

Project Respekt in the News
In the local Newspaper: Haaner Treff In the Rheinische Post https://rp-online.de/nrw/staedte/haan/oekokunstwerk-fordert-respekt_aid-23552...

Community-based participatory art project with a Community Garden Initiative and Elderly People in Haan. An Ecological Artwork created...

Miniprojects of Isolation: The Plath Effect
Is the future hopeless? Or is out there something still waiting for me? The landscapes reduced to an unsharp horizon expressing the...

Miniprojects of isolation: The Yellow Wallpaper
Extract from the short story by Charlotte Perkins Gilman (...) Then I peeled off all the paper I could reach standing on the floor. It...
Mater Matters: White Mourning
Video (00:04:43) After I lost my parents in 2014, I experienced how our society is not prepared to handle the process of mourning. The...

Everyday Flustrations: You Are Not Fun Any More
I started this project in 2008 and now it got its final form. It tells the story of a relationship I started at the beginning of 2007 in...